Can our feelings be changed by the body?

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Are you waiting for a big change, like the end of the pandemic, the love of your life, the partner you’ve been dreaming of, the big inspiration, the next vacation, your dream job or anything else to make you feel better? What if you could get there immediately without yet changing anything in your life? Don't worry, this isn't an article about autosuggestion or another invitation to see through rose-coloured glasses. But you may be interested to know how your body can get things for you done that otherwise seem to depend on external circumstances or are the result of lengthy therapy and coaching.

There are now a number of scientific studies that show that the handling of the body and the biochemistry in the body have a significant influence on the psyche. But can our feelings be changed by our body?

In the US, the so-called Power Posing has spread, which is based on generating feelings of confidence, success and optimism by taking expansive postures that are held for more than 2 minutes. Studies conducted by social psychologist Amy Cuddy at Harvard Business School found that the hormone situation of subjects who were on the verge of a stressful situation had changed significantly before and after power posing. Cortisol levels (=anxiety hormone) were lower after that, and testosterone levels (="winner hormone") were higher – just by taking expansive postures for two minutes. Both the subjects felt more able to go on stage or in their interview after these 2 minutes; they were also perceived by their audience as more present and convincing. 

The knowledge of the connection between body and emotions is also used in professional acting work. This is not about displaying feelings, but about actually activating feelings through the use of certain postures and modes of movement. 

Take the self-test and answer the following two questions using A. or B.:

How do you feel right now? 

  1. Optimistic, motivated, confident
  2. Pessimistic, rather down, at best okay

Check your posture.

  1. Upright and tall, wide and space-engaging, head high
  2. Hunched back, shoulders turned inwards, elbows close to your body, head lowered or resting on the hands

Then take the opposite posture for at least 2 minutes.
After 2 minutes: Answer Question 1 again.

... Amazing, isn't it?  

What has just worked so quickly on the mood, also does on a deeper level. If we have been running around hunched over and with closed bodies to the outside world for years, this will have an impact on the way we feel in the world, within our environment, even in our lives. If we manage to change posture in a lasting way, for example via the transformation of our myofascial tissue, if we manage to convert fascial adhesions and muscle shortening into a healthy, painless and movement-friendly state, then we have the chance to change perspectives and generate more positive emotions without effort. Our life changes as our body returns to its optimal form.

© Maria Kafritsas 2021

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