
Make health your gift

Make health your gift to a special friend - with 1 month access to the Fascia Flow® Yoga Videos. Our Basic program helps significantly improve personal well-being. Ideal for Yoga newbies.

For a one-off price of 14.90 € you give: poses
  • Access to practice videos in HD quality
  • 24/7 available
  • Comprehensible instructions
  • Supervision optional
  • Available in 4 languages
  • Ends automatically after 1 month

Send us a message

and upon receipt of payment, we will send you a personalized gift with the presentee's name a once only coupon code. The presentee then goes to "Redeem gift", enters the coupon code and can use the video offer for 1 month free of charge. The subscription ends automatically after one month.

Please enter the name of the presentee in the Message box.

Payment methods

To pay the gift certificate, you may use PayPal, credit card or bank transfer. By clicking on the button below you will be directed to the payment form.
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