Creatures of Habit

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Are you receiving ideas for New Year's resolutions everywhere on the net these days? About healthy eating, more exercise, weight loss, the usual?

Really, don't we all know the healthy things we should make a habit of, and the ones we should better leave in the old year...? But why do we find it so difficult to leave our comfort zone – even when we don't feel so comfortable in it?

Creatures of habit 

The answer is that our entire mind-body system is designed to save energy, and this is done most effectively by maintaining the status quo (for the time being), so we continue to run in the usual tracks and avoid constantly exposing ourselves to new things. We are - biologically speaking – creatures of habit. 

The role of the subconscious

The subconscious memorizes everything that has made a big emotional impression on us (keyword: traumas), but also what we have repeated often enough (keyword: comfort zone). When the memory is triggered, we react automatically without having to make a new decision. Subconsciously. And so it becomes unnecessary to concentrate on how to brush our teeth, cook coffee, drive a car, or keep the balance on our bikes. After extensive repetition, everyday things hardly ever require us more than a minimum of concentration. It is different with new actions, though, especially when they seem exotic to us or are associated with some kind of renunciation. For example, if we have been eating meat for years and one day decide to be a vegetarian or vegan. Or if we want to get used to giving up our beloved evening beer or sweets. Or if we want to get up an hour earlier in the morning to meditate or exercise. Anything that takes something familiar away from us will stress our subconscious. It is as if it was sounding the alarm about the new, extra-ordinary situation. 

The Role of Everyday Life

And as soon as the usual challenges of everyday life appear on the scene, like time pressure, deadlines, the pressure to perform and to function, etc. then the new habits don’t stand a real chance... Who likes to torment themselves voluntarily, when everyday life is already hard enough?

The Key

To adopt a new habit without tormenting yourself, there is only one way: Start feeling well and do it now. - Yes, but this is where I want to get! - I know. It’s only: Your subconscious will stand in the way with all the tricks of the trade. If, on the other hand, you can feed it with the message that everything is fine, you have a real chance to adopt new habits with ease.

And how do I do this?

Take a piece of paper and make a list of all the things that make you feel well - listening to beautiful music, dancing, taking a warm bath, practicing Fascia Flow Yoga, dedicating yourself to a hobby, whatever it is that destresses you. Do any of these things as often as possible, but at least once a day.

The advantage of Fascia Flow Yoga

Fascia Flow Yoga has the advantage over other yoga styles that it spares you possible frustration, especially since it is not oriented towards the fulfillment of a difficult form, but on a special technique that teaches the body to complete toning stretch exercises while keeping a state of relaxation. With the result that personal well-being grows deeper with each exercise. A really good training for the subconscious. The well-being achieved in 1 hour of Fascia Flow Yoga lasts 1-3 days. On this basis, it gets easy to adapt new habits for a healthier lifestyle. The aim is the way.

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