Never before have we spent so much time at home. Never before have we avoided visiting friends and public spaces to this degree. Covid-19 has changed our lives and will, unluckily, continue to do so. And mobility restrictions imposed by governments are only a small portion of the inconvenience caused.
Unlike other illnesses like the common flu, those who got infected by SARS-CoV-2 and have recovered from it, oftentimes keep on suffering from the damage COVID-19 has left on their bodies. Significant numbers of recovering patients experience on-going fascia related pain and restricted painful motion. (Sharkey 2021, p. 1) This is due to what they call “long-COVID” or “post-COVID syndrome”.
Beyond manual therapy, science suggests fascia focused movement interventions for alleviating and managing ’post-COVID syndrome’:
“Fascia focused therapeutic interventions are shown to reduce pain and support a re-establishment of function while providing safe, effective and appropriate non-invasive therapy.”1
Who wants, after successfully recovering from COVID-19 to have to live with post-COVID?
Research has shown that just two workouts per week are enough to demonstrably restructure our myofascial tissue within 3 months. The result: movements become smoother, pain disappears, body awareness and well-being increase significantly.
Fascia Flow® Yoga offers open classes of 50 minutes online in different languages every week. To the open classes
You also have the option of booking individual appointments. To the booking calendar
If you prefer to train on your own, our video offer is the best way to do it. To the video offer
In the end, what we all desire is the quality of life before the pandemic started. May we succeed in gaining it back.
What people say about us:
“I love the classes. I suffer from chronic pain in the cervical spine. But after every class, I feel just great. This is so wonderful.” - Pepi G. (from Spain)
“The videos have been a great support for my recovery. I do them regularly and feel even better now than I did before COVID.” – Bettina F. (from Germany)
“The lockdown was really bad. I gained 4 kg and got completely rusty. A few weeks ago I started doing the videos (what a difference they make) and now I´ve booked my first one-on-one lesson with Maria. I feel better every day.” – Henry W. (from Australia)
“The exercises are amazing. I do 2-3 of them every day and feel very different despite lockdown and home office.” – Konstantin G. (from Greece)
1 Sharkey J., Fascia Focused Manual Therapy Interventions – Proposed Treatment for Post-COVID Syndrome, Integrative Journal of Medical Sciences, 2021, Volume 8, 339